Live Your Sacred Lifestyle.

Dharma Design is a tailor-made lifestyle plan & 1-on-1 mentorship program.

Aligning you with your Authentic Self;
who You were always meant to Be.

Dear heart friends,

Here is a special note from Amber Moon

Dharma is to live in a meaningful way, cultivating our inner landscape so we can enjoy the fruits of a fulfilling life.

On the Journey of Self Discovery, there are challenges and lessons awaiting every individual. Without proper insight & mentorship, we can get stuck in a cycles of negative emotion, sickness, confusion & pain.

Dharma Designs weave the Inner & Outer Landscapes together, to become Whole. Through proper Lifestyle Planning, we can take actions that shift our daily lives to be in harmony with Natural patterns & principals.

Dharma Designers are your mentors along this Journey. We use the fundamentals & deeper practices of Permaculture & Yoga to create a Dharma Design that aligns you to your Authentic Self.

Dharma Design is an investment in your Authentic Self.
Do you…?





Embody your Authentic Self

The healthy, one-of-a-kind You, hidden beneath weeds of challenging emotions, habits & limitations.

Dharma Design guides us to our inner landscape, where all of mysteries of Life are learned. Cultivate your Inner Landscape, and the Outer Landscape will reflect your inner majesty!

Designing a Sacred Lifestyle

Well functioning businesses, gardens, households and communities all use the process of design to meet their goals successfully. What happens when our goals involve refining an inner quality? Or, we wish to go beyond bad habits, trauma or internal conflict? These goals can use the same design process we use for creating beautiful gardens to meet our inner goals.

Dharma Design is a product of four step design process, SEER Lifestyle Design.

SEER Lifestyle Design assembles tools, techniques, resources & information to empower & activate your highest potential.

Here’s How it works:

  • Dharma Designers meet with you weekly to create your Dharma Design and support you on your journey

  • Throughout the process, you will be given tools & practices to observe & enrich your inner landscape

  • Our SEER process provides insight to your Innermost Self

  • We support you while you integrate your Dharma Design into your daily life

  • Here is the SEER process and the steps on your Journey of Self-Discovery…


I. Survey Your Inner Landscape

We begin exploring what makes you, “You”. What has shaped your inner landscape & defined how you respond to your world?

  • Self Assessment - History, Lifestyle, Who are you?

  • Health Assessment - Exploring Pain Patterns, Diet, Mental Health, Emotional Well Being

  • Mirror Assessment - Getting feedback from a relative, close friend or partner

  • Introduction Dharma Designer Check-in - opening the space to learn who you are - virtual or in-person session


II. Evaluate Your Outer Landscape

Assessing the natural energy patterns in your lifestyle, we discern what is & is not helping you to express your Dharma and achieve your goals.

  • Behavior Analysis - Learn to create a new world by shifting behavior.

  • Obstacles & Challenges -

  • Zone Planning - What are your personal standards & boundaries?

  • Sector Analysis - Where is your energy being spent?

  • Timelining - looking back at your life to create who you have become

  • Time Management; scheduling for reaching your goals


III. Envision the Sacred Self

Here, your mentor creates an individualized Dharma Design; a lifestyle plan for your daily life.

  • Self-Healer Treatment Plan - Created to address pain, clear stagnate emotions & expand awareness

  • Small Achievable Steps, Long term Paths & Ultimate Visions - Reflect on your goals

  • Options & Decisions - Assess your options and make the best choice for you


IV. Realize your Dharma

Now its up to you! With our mentorship, you will implement your Dharma Design into your daily life. Realize the benefits of new habits with lasting results. Do your practice and live your life.

  • Mentor Check-ins - once per week to stay on track with your Dharma Design

  • Self-Healer Training & Treatment Plan - a consistent practice designed to empower your Dharma and overcome your pain

  • Ceremonial Moment - monthly ritual to purify major Karmic Lessons

  • Standards & Virtues Journal - track your daily progress, keep an ethical life and practice your Dharma

  • Telegram Accountability Journal - stay connected & accountable

Don’t wish for less problems, wish for more skills. Don’t wish for less challenges, wish for more wisdom. You can’t change the seasons, but you can change your habits. Life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.

Every Dharma Design Includes:


Dharma Design Lifestyle Plan

  • Establish goals with your mentors providing methods & insights to reach them

  • Small Achievable Steps, Long term Paths & Ultimate Visions

  • Create a structured routine & schedule that grounds you into your Ultimate Vision

Integrating the design science of Permaculture & Yoga’s ancient wisdom, we explore what a Sacred Life looks like for You. Integrating Nature’s wisdom into your daily life opens you up to Life’s deepest mysteries.

Weekly Mentor Counseling

  • Once per week counseling call with your Dharma Designer Mentor

  • Mentors track your progress through your ever-evolving Dharma Design

Each week, we will meet to design & track your progress through your Dharma Design. We will cover what is and is not working in your new Lifestyle. Making adjustments and tweaks necessary to refine your progress.

Weekly Self-Healer Training

  • Once per week one-on-one training session to become a Self Healer

  • You will study & practice Yoga & Meditation

We use your Health Survey to create a personalized Self-Healer Treatment Plan of movement exercises, Yoga postures, accupressure, breathwork, meditation, herbs and more.


Ceremonial Moments

  • Once a month Ceremony to discover the Sacred Self

Ceremony is a unique practice to work with the major themes showing up on our path.


  • Telegram Prompts for cultivating awareness and staying on track

Have access to your Dharma Designer via Telegram chat. Here, we keep you accountable to living in alignment with your Dharma. We send weekly Journal Topics and Prompts to encourage mindfulness.

Group Video Darshan

  • Bi-weekly group video calls with meditation, discussion and Q&A with Amber Moon

The Natural Sciences & Wisdom Traditions have all been directing us to find the solutions within. We explore our Inner Landscapes with the guidance of Ancient & Modern Teachers.



Dharma Designers guide us in exploring the inner landscape. They teach us how to weed out the undesirable and design new frameworks for organic growth. What do you want your inner & outer worlds to look like? What would a life of expressing your innermost self look like?

  • Determine personal visions & professional goals, get empowered, and overcome negative emotions & debilitations like laziness & agitation.

  • Design a structured daily routine & establish a practice that repatterns & reprograms what you believe is possible.

  • What you really want in life, what are your gifts and offerings? We call this your Medicine Bundle. Its waiting to be opened & shared with the world!



Our outer health is a reflection of our innermost states of being. You will learn inner & outer methods to holistically purify health conditions and encourage vitality. Gaining insight to the deeper layers of who we are is the greatest form of Medicine.

  • Health wasn’t built in a day, we’ll set realistic & achievable goals to enjoy the paths of purification & regeneration

  • Prepare nutrition & exercise plan to meet fitness goals

  • Train in mindful awareness to gradual shift away from harmful habits


Develop Sacred relationship with others, Nature & yourself.

  • Become self-sufficient & self-empowered in living your Dharma.

  • Become interconnected with the world around you & reclaim your mental real estate.

  • Communicate without violence and advocate for your needs & boundaries to relate in a way that is true for you.

  • Transform codependency into a healthy dynamic.

Dharma Designers

Benji & Amber began living their Dharma to better understand how to relieve their physical pain, emotional trauma and the misunderstandings of had of themselves & the world. They felt a greater fulfillment calling out to them, and wanted nothing more than to follow that call. Yet, old behaviors & patterns kept them from realizing their dreams.

They decided once and for all to put down their suffering, and devoted themselves to a new way of living. To embody a life with Nature’s wisdom, with peace in their hearts & mind.

They began experiencing greater fulfillment & joy than ever before, and realized they now had an opportunity to truly help others! With a combined 20 years of practice, study & devotion to higher knowledge, they created Dharma Designs.

Now, their only wish is to do this work for the sake for all living beings, and guide us all to our Destiny!

About your Dharma Designs


Amber Moon

Amber Moon received her RYT 200hr with The Kula Collective after years of cultivating a connection with Yoga, both on and off the mat. She enjoys practicing and sharing Vinyasa, Gentle Yoga, Pranayama and Meditation though her greatest passion is Yin.

Amber was led to the path of healing through her unique life journey and graduated from the Florida College of Natural Health in 2012 with an A.S. Degree in Natural Health and a certificate in Advanced Therapeutic Massage. The path beckoned her deeper to become a certified Reiki Master. She developed a keen interest and natural ability with her first introduction to Cranial Sacral Therapy and went on to attend the Upledger Institute, which is now the main bodywork modality she chooses to practice. Empathically inclined, she became aware of the impact of stored emotions upon the body and works with clients deeply on the emotional level.

Off of the mat and massage table, Amber is a professional intuitive reader and counselor of 11 years. She shares her classes and sessions from an intuitive space and weaves together everything she has cultivated upon her journey with healing the mind body and spirit to provide a deeply supportive relaxing and transformative experience.



Wholeness y’all! I am looking forward to sharing time to explore who we really are. Let’s ask the big questions and take the deep dives!

I am currently teaching Yoga Asana Practices & Philosophy with the Yoga Studies Institute. I have shaped my personal practice with the Lady Niguma Yoga Series & the Navanga Yoga (Nine Limb System). Through my practice, I have learned to expand my awareness of the subtle bodies and develop a rich world view of Compassionate Wisdom. Now I wish to share it with you!

I have integrated many teachings & traditions over the last 10 years, living a very exciting life as a Permaculture designer, home builder, farm manager, wilderness mentor for at risk youth. Temazcal, Yoga, Music, Gardening, Plant Medicines, Buddhism and Nature has led me to walk with my Authentic Self.

Current projects:

  • Private Yoga Sessions at www.templeoftribe.com

  • Ancient Wisdom Teacher Certification with Asian Classics Institute

  • Meridian Yoga Technique with Rose Erin & Science of Self in NYC.

  • Teaching Permaculture & Yoga at the Wild Oak Outdoor School

  • Working towards the People’s Diploma with the Permaculture Institute

Interested in exploring the deepest aspects of You, but not ready for a Dharma Design?

Amber moon offers 1 hour Intuitive Counseling sessions for anyone seeking guidance on their path. There is no obligation to enroll in our Dharma Design package.

Amber has provided her services to thousands of clients, guaranteeing greater insight to their Sacred Self.

Dharma Designers

Designing Fulfillment into our Lifestyle
& the Regeneration of Human Consciousness


Our program is not a newly invented, new age or esoteric idea. This knowledge is found everywhere; as the patterns from which forests grow, to emotions flowing through our inner landscape. We simply apply Nature’s principals & patterns as our Ancient & Modern Teachers have shown us to do.

Dharma Designs combine Natural Sciences, Ancient Wisdom Traditions & the Healing Arts as a practical approach to realizing your Sacred Self; the highest & authentic version of You. From this state of being, our natural lifestyle is that of contributing Beauty & Medicine to the whole world.

Through the four step SEER Therapeutic Process, we develop a Dharma Design with our clients. This is an individualized roadmap to disrupt destructive behavior patterns, increase mental & emotional intelligence. It natural progression of letting go, releasing limiting beliefs & establishing new habits for well being.

With Dharma Designs, clients integrate new skills into their daily lives. Our program is designed for the individual with specific habits that fertilizes their growth and well being.

With this proper map & guide, the process of self-discovery gives our clients lasting & beneficial results.

Guaranteed Adventure

Here’s our guarantee - If our program isn't serving you, we'll guarantee your money back. No problem! If your goals are unfulfilled - we are happy to give your money back. This isn't about the money. This is about authentic transformation!

Optimists will say, “Whatever exists is for the best”. Dharma Designers maintain the converse; “Whatever is for the best, exists.”

Dharma Design is a map that guides you home. It’s for you to explore, practice & live.