Our Mission

We create Projects for Community & Individual Resiliency.

We work with groups of people to observe & interact the natural patterns in the land & spaces they inhabit. Our projects begin with an ethical foundation for community living that cares for people & the earth to provide profitable yields.

What are…?

Projects for Communal and Individual Resiliency


We aid & build projects that express a vision for the regeneration of the Earth and Human Consciousness.

As a community, we have the ability to commune, communicate and find commonality. We can assist each other to the best of our ability, enabling the individual to realize their highest potential.


Every individual experiences a unique relationship with Life. Each of us having a uniqueness that contributes to the community.

Our Therpeutic & Apprenticeship programs provide students the training & guidance they need to discover that uniqueness.

A sense of place where all living beings have security in their basic needs and have access to abundant supplies & materials for creative expression and a life of fulfillment.

The foundation for Giving Tree’s designs and ethics are found in Permaculture & Yoga. We utilize these sciences to create resiliency in all aspects of our lives.


Designed for Regeneration

In the garden, we learn to Steward the Land and provide the conditions necessary for our own existence. Stewardship is the role of the Caretaker & Healer, who aids in the process of Regeneration. Any distressed landscape & community can regenerate health & well being through commonsense design.


Regeneration of soil

Let us allow the soil to be alive & thriving, as a bank of fertility & propagating a wild nature. Let us invest in the taste & nutritional quality of crops. Let us live in harmonious relationship with the Earth!

Valuing organic matter as a bio resource.

Techniques for regeneration: Cover crops, no till, mulching, tree crops, converting waste streams to energy. Limiting external inputs for fertility (fertilizer and compost included). Utilizing plants that require less effort to grow. Utilizing diversity and native plants that are medicinal and can feed our community. Propagating undervalued crops which are more likely to be the most valuable crops


Human Regeneration through Meditation, Nutrition & Work.

Through the process of replacing fossil fuels with human power, we humble ourselves to the garden as the holistic teacher it is designed to be. If one seeks Truth, may they wholeheartedly and intensely live in relationship with the mystery we call Life.

We intend to provide work in the garden to help the individual cultivate their Sovereignty. This enables our clients & students to be in a conscious relationship with Nature. Every weed we pull, every challenge we face in our projects will be an opportunity to know thy self.

Techniques for Regeneration: We tend to the garden as Stewards, it is our Karma yoga. Play & Creative self expression, being aware of our true power & essence as Human Beings. Study of the ancient wisdom and metaphysical sciences. Utilizing our food as medicine. Retreat, Rest & Relaxation


Regeneration of community; Custodians of culture and heritage of resiliency.

As custodians of culture, we can cultivate a new heritage of resiliency. Envision community that has tapped into the living language of Unity & Interdependence. We will learn to utilize the wellspring of Nature’s wisdom & abundant resources, to cultivate Sovereignty in our community. This world can be resilient in the face of all imbalances that have arisen, heal the sick, enrich the poor and guide our children Home.

Techniques for Regeneration: Sharing plants and methods of resiliency by creating communal outreach, events, education. Extending and enriching forest systems, utilizing large waste streams for fertility, creating visionary businesses that allow the individual to fulfill their highest potential, teaching the young and willing to adapt methods of working with nature.

Further Project Plans for Regeneration:

  1. Botanical Community: Designating areas in communities as plant banks and soils for cultivation as forest and row gardens. Protect and secure for investing in the soil, nutrition and plant & animal resource.

  2. Redesigning systems to convert waste streams to fertility streams (chickens, mushroom logs, wood chips, goat manure, food waste, rain water, labor, volunteers)

  3. Useful Plant Nursery - greenhouse, direct to soil, plant nurseries - generates revenue, food, medicine, services, beauty, goodwill, educational opportunity

  4. Connect with local plant gurus, nurseryman, Permaculturists, gardeners to increase knowledge of plants and building up seed and plant stock. Know and use your medicine.

  5. Creating a database of plants with their qualities, growing habits, growing conditions, history, uses, culinary information

  6. Develop Curriculum for Regenerative Community School

  7. Coordinating Tours & Workshops that invite the community into the Garden